Monday, February 2, 2009

"A book should be an ax to break the frozen sea inside us."
Franz Kafka, Letter to Oskar Pollack, January 27, 1904
Shannon Miller, "The Solace of Open Spaces..."
Katie Stoynoff, "Who Wouldn't Love a Talking Pig?"

Michelle Skupski Bissell, "Something to Talk About"
Elizabeth Modarelli, "From Yellow to Blue"
Shurice Gross, "The Introduction of Possibility"
Steve Smith, "Red Wheels Rolling"
David Giffels, "Jerry Todd and the Purring Egg"
Jason Mullin, "S.E. Hinton's The Outsiders"
Dawson Steeber, "An Old T-shirt"
Eric Wasserman, "A Lifelong Treasure"
Emily Dressler, "The Day I Met an Author"
Tobin Terry, "Reading Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle..."
John Skarl, "Pigman"
Robert Pope, "The Golden Slave"
If you recall the experience of reading something early in life that has stuck, or something more recent--some important reading experience--I'd like to hear about it. Such moments have sensory as well as intellectual and spiritual elements. Send them to and I'll put them up. Short pieces are more readable on a blog, but that doesn't make them less whole!

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About Me

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I write short stories and essays. I have published well over one hundred stories, essays, and flash fictions or nonfictions in magazines or anthologies, as well as a novel, Jack's Universe, three collections of stories, Private Acts, Killers & Others, and Not a Jot or a Tittle, and two chapbooks of flash fiction, Shutterbug and Dragon Box. I grew up in a military family, so I'm not from anywhere in particular except probably Akron, where I've lived for forty years. Before I came here, I never lived anywhere longer than three years.